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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
  • Locations: Madrid, Spain
  • Program Terms: Summer, Summer I, Summer II
  • Homepage: Click to visit
  • Program Sponsor: CEA CAPA Education Abroad 
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Click here for a definition of this term Language of Instruction: English Click here for a definition of this term Class Status: 2-sophomore, 3-junior, 4-senior
Housing Options: Apartment (shared) Click here for a definition of this term Areas of Study: Health & Human Services, Health Science, Pre-Health, Pre-med, Public Health
Program Type: Field Study, Internship Abroad, Study Abroad Minimum GPA: 2.5
Click here for a definition of this term Program: Direct
Program Description:

Study Abroad in Madrid

The Pre-Health Seminar & Shadowing program is designed for students pursuing healthcare careers and who are looking for the opportunity to get observational clinical experience while earning academic credit abroad. Hospital shadowing will help to prepare you for a career in medicine and make you stand out in the medical school application process. Our 60-hour observational placements are powered by Atlantis, a leading provider of health experiential learning that is now part of the CEA CAPA family. All students will also take part in our 3-credit health shadowing seminar, which has been specially designed to help you get the most out of your placement experience.
Pre-Health Seminar & Shadowing is a highly competitive program due to the scarcity of hospital shadowing placements. Students applying for this program will be waitlisted for admission and will know their acceptance decision no later than the program Withdrawal date. We encourage you to apply early!

 Semester/Term Eligibility Requirements Rec. Semester Credits
 Summer 2.5 Min GPA, 1 Year of College Completed  3 - 9

Where You'll Study

The CEA CAPA Madrid Center’s courses that are designed to increase your understanding of the diverse history, politics, and culture of Spain. Faculty uses the city as an extended classroom, allowing you to not only acquire discipline-specific knowledge, but also create intellectual links between your courses and the city. Students receive a transcript from CEA CAPA's school of record upon completing the program.

What's Included

  • Pre-Departure Advising
  • Housing
  • 24/7 Onsite Emergency Assistance
  • Excursions & Cultural Activities
  • and more


  • Seville & Cádiz
  • Barcelona
  • Granada
  • and more.

Funding Options

CEA CAPA has several ways to help you fund your program, including scholarships, grants, and flight credits. Find out more about what we have to offer.

Learn more about funding